Written by Jacob Richmond & Brooke Maxwell
Directed by Pedro Amaral
In this hilarious and outlandish story, the lives of six teenagers from a Canadian chamber choir are cut short in a freak accident aboard a rollercoaster. When they awake in limbo, a mechanical fortune teller invites each to tell their own story in order to win a prize like no other - the chance to return to life!
Friday, July 26 (8pm)
Saturday, July 27 (8pm)
Sunday, July 28 (2pm)
Thursday, August 1 (8pm) - INDUSTRY NIGHT
Friday, August 2 (8pm)
Saturday, August 3 (3pm)
Sunday, August 3 (8pm)
The performance on SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 has been CANCELED due to Tropical Cyclone Debby.
For group rates or special accommodations, contact us at
(813) 707 1426 or pedro@breakroomtampa.com